Native Primroses were planted on both sides of the laid hedge in Muddy Lane (Church Field), Binsted by volunteers from MAVES and SDNP Ranger Volunteer Service, on 15 and 18 April 2018. Next year as a classic icon of spring, the primroses will be a lovely display of colour and food source for wildlife.
We were delighted to see that many of the Cowslips, planted in Spring 2017 have survived and are already starting to flower. There is also evidence of self-sown seedlings showing that these plants will continue to grow and multiply in future.
MAVES and SDNP would like to thank Binsted Nurseries LLP who kindly donated the primroses and the volunteers who worked so hard planting nearly 1000 primroses.
The hedge, with a great variety of native shrubby species, with standard oaks and wild cherries above, was replanted about 2003 by Walberton Action Group, predecessor of MAVES. It has been laid over the last two winters by National Park and MAVES volunteers.
Surveyors have found signs of both dormice and harvest mice using the hedge.
The site has been cared for by community volunteers for 15 years. Highways England say they will announce in May 2018 whether they plan to put an A27 Arundel Bypass through the middle of it, but meanwhile, we are carrying on doing the right thing and continuing to look after our well-loved countryside.